20. Make a fraction using the thousands place digit as the denominator, and the tenths place digit as the numerator.
The denominator is the bottom number of a fraction, the numerator is the top number.
The denominator is the bottom number of a fraction, the numerator is the top number.
Doing number 20 is easy like cake, you just have to make the thousands place the denominator, and the tenths place the numerator.
I like how you followed the instructions and didn't screw up.
ReplyDeleteyou did a good job
ReplyDeletegood explanation, but you didn't have to put the "screw it up" part. I like how change the style of the font though.But for the most part you did pretty good!
ReplyDeleteI like how simple it is to understand.
ReplyDeleteAlthough you could lay off the colours.
very good explanation, no need for the "don't screw that up" part though.
ReplyDeleteexcellent explanation, i like how the picture looks clear. Good Job!
ReplyDeleteGood job, nice picture.
ReplyDeleteIt is pretty clear to read. Good job.