Monday, February 13, 2012

Number of the day instructions (As of February 13, 2011)

Number of the day Instructions (as of Feb. 13, 2012)

I'll use 1234.567 for some of my examples for this overview.
n = number (In case if you are a dimwit.)

1. Half of the number is......(Basically n ÷ 2)

2. Write the number in expanded form. (You represent the value of each digit. It should look something like this: 1000 + 200 + 30 + 4 + 0.5 + 0.06 +0.007)

3. Write the number in written form. (Just write it as it is said)

4. Round to the nearest 100. (Look at the hundreds place, if the tens digit is 5 or higher, add one to the hundreds digit, if the number is lower than 5, the digit stays the same and all  the digits to the right gets replaced by the number 0.)

5. What digit is in the tenths place. (Take note of the "ths," Basically the first number from the decimal point left to right.)

6. The number of the day doubled is.....(Basically n x 2)

8. Write a power using the 100ths place as the base, and the digit in the 10s place as the exponent. (A power is basically this:              
The big number is called the base, and the small number is the exponent.)

9. Write the above number in factored form. (Factored form, just a note of this:)
It's NOT this: 
1 x 2 = 2

It is however this:
1 x 1 = 1
Moving on.

10. Cube the number in the ones place. (A cube is a number with 3 as it's exponent. So it would be: n x n x n = n.)

11. Square the digit in the hundreds place. (A square is a number with 2 as it's exponent, so: 
n x n = n)

12. Divide the number by 3.55 and round to the nearest hundredth. (n x 3.55 = something like 347.77. Refer to #4 for how to round.)

13. The product of the digits is... (Just multiply all the digits)

14. List all the prime numbers in the number of the day. (A prime number is a number with 2 factors: 1 and itself. Basically the prime numbers for any number of the day are contain at least one of the following: 2, 3, 5 & 7.)

16. The whole number is divisible by....(Refer to my post "Divisibility Rules Overview," for divisibility rules.)

17. Using the digits in the 1's and the 10's place respectively make a number and list the prime factors. (Refer to #14 for info on a prime number.)

20. Write a fraction using the 1000s place as the denominator and the tenths place as the numerator. (Refer to my post "Number of the Day Question #20" for this. I don't want to explain myself twice.)

21. Use any of the digits to make a proper fraction. (A proper fraction is basically when the numerator is smaller than the denominator.)

22. Use any of the digits to make a mixed number. (A mixed number is composed of a whole number, and a proper fraction.)

23. Write the answer to number 21 as a decimal. (Just divide the numerator by the denominator.)

24. Draw a picture to represent the answer to number 21. (How to do this is straightforward.)

25. Write the answer to number 21 as a percent. (Just take the answer to #23 and multiply it by 100.)

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